As a geocacher, walking is part of the game. I’m overweight and I don’t exercise but I try to walk specially with my younger brother who is more athletic and fit than I am. We started to walk on a regular basis .. not much, may be 1.5 to 2.5 km around my house in Dammam. One day he said let’s go for a longer walk – longer to me was like 3 to 4 km - so I said Ok. We walked for 5km to the Sheraton Hotel in Dammam. It felt good and I said why stop here and we continued for another 5km to the corniche. That was a total of 10km .. it was a great accomplishment for me; but not to my brother. Next time he said let’s go for a longer walk and on Ramadan eve, we set out to walk to Al-Khobar. We made the 19km walk in about 3.5hours without break. Now he wants to go further .. Bahrian is on his agenda but I doubt it.