Thursday, July 19, 2007

يوم حار

إنطلقنا في يوم حار من شهر يوليو بعد الظهر الى الدحول القريبة من طريق القصيم السريع حيث توقفنا أولا قرب دحل بالقرب من طريق صلبوخ القديم ولكن للأسف كان سلمنا قصيرا فلم نستطع أن ننزل بواسطته فغادرنا المكان على أمل العودة مرة أخرى .. ثم اتجهنا الى دحل ضيق المدخل لايبعد كثيرا عن الدحل الأول باتجاه الشرق منه و فوجئنا بوجود ثعبان داخل فوهته فتركناه وقضينا أمسيتنا في مدخل الوادي والذي خبأت كنزي في أحد تلاله الصخرية. دهشنا من فارق درجة الحرارة الكبير بين النهار والليل في ذاك المكان.

في الغد إتجهنا إلى الدحل القريب من الخاتلة ولم نحضر السلم هذه المرة لكنها كانت فرصة لإخفاء كنز بمدخل الدحل الذي اتخذه الحمام ملجأ له من حرارة الصحراء. أكملنا مسيرنا تجاه الحسي وقرى الصفرات والبير ثم قضينا ليلتنا في أحد الشعاب بوادي عبيثران بعد أن صادفنا أحد الرعاة. في الصباح تحركنا تجاه الرغبة مرورا بخشم الحصان ثم القصب التي إنعطفنا شمالا بعدها تجاه الداهنة، أحد الهجر القديمة، وقضينا القيلولة تحت بعض أشجار النخيل المهملة وأخفيت كنزا هناك . بعد العصرعدنا جنوبا وتوقفنا عند الصوح تحت جبال طويق لنشاهد بعض التشكيلات الغريبة للصخور وإخفاء كنز بها .. لم يكن الجو الحار يسمح لنا بإعداد غداء بالرغم من التجهيزات الكثيرة التي قام بإعدادها أبوطلال والتي جعلتنا نبدوا كالحجاج في سفرهم لكننا قررنا أخيرا أن نتوقف في شقراء لنأكل في بيتزا هت.

في طريق العودة توقفنا قبل المغرب في جبل الفهدة وسط النفود بين القصب وثرمداء لإعداد الشاي ثم قفلنا راجعين للرياض التي وصلناها بعد منتصف الليل

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sadous - Underground

I read about this dahl in Mekshat site .. cousin AbuTalal has mentioned it to me earlier so we decided to visit. It’s close to Edge of the World but can’t get to it from there so we had two routes to choose from, either from Huraymla or Sadous .. we chose the latter. It turned out to be a good choice.

I checked the route on google earth and I could see a dirt track that leaves Sadous and goes west all the way to the Dahl. We left Riyadh in the afternoon heat and upon arriving at Sadous we took the wrong turn that lead us north west to the dam. We came down south to look for the track that I saw on Google. Fortunately I had some points along the track jotted down so we connected with the first point and off we went. The road was smoother than I expected. It was about 20km from the village to the dahl.

The opening was just like I saw in the pictures on the northern side of the dahl. I grabbed my cache and took some spare batteries for our flashlights before entering. Cousin Hamad was already inside.
A short ladder resting on a pile of rocks was placed at the entrance which opens to a large chamber –more than 12 meters in diameter- where large piles of fallen rocks gather at one end. We walked around the boulders and found ourselves in front of a long tunnel with well defined semicircular section. The air was very humid and at this point we were sweating like a leaky faucet.

We continued our walk slowly but steadily into the tunnel. The floor was very soft and moist and at some places the soil was black. Other than for the bats, this was a friendly dahl. After 90m or so, we came to a stop at the end of the tunnel where the only way to continue was to go crawling. I spotted a hiding place before the end of the tunnel and stashed my cache there. I later realized that it might not have been the best place considering the soft floor and the possibility it could wash away with any flooding. We left just in time before sunset and made a stop on our way back to eat the watermelon that AbuTalal brought.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Resurrecting Dirab

Being in Riyadh I went to fix the Dirab cache that was muggled, according to the recent logs on the cache page. At the site, I noticed the old container thrown away many meters down from its hiding place .. judging from the place, it was probably force of nature - washed down from the recent rain we had three months ago - I replaced the container and off we went to the other location at Rock & Sand which connects wadi Alawasat with Makkah Road. It was late in the afternoon when I placed my cache there and the views on the red dunes was superb.